What to Expect From Therapy

If you are entering therapy for the first time you may be feeling a little anxious. After all, you don’t really know what to expect. You may have been in therapy before, but dropped out early, because you didn’t know what to expect. Many people enter therapy hoping to find quick and easy solutions to their difficulties.

That expectation is usually too high. So, what can you expect from therapy?

You can expect to feel a little awkward at first. It takes time to establish a trusting relationship with a therapist. After a session or two you should be feeling more comfortable.

Be prepared to answer quite a few questions. Remember the therapist must gather information to fully understand you and your situation. One question you will hear a lot is, “And how do you feel about that?” So, be prepared to talk about your feelings.

Don’t be surprised if you are asked to complete homework assignments or read books. Therapy is less effective if you only concentrate on your issues and concerns once a week for an hour. Doing the specific activities assigned by the therapist speeds up the time it takes to work out your problems.

Therapy can be very painful. Expect to be emotional in session. It is normal to be tearful and/or angry. You will be talking about situations and people that have hurt you. You may need to talk about your past. You might be discussing things that you are ashamed of. This is an emotionally charged process.

Therapy is hard work. It requires time and patience. You might be tempted to quit right before any real change or breakthroughs happen. We are all naturally resistant to change.

Others may resist your changes and growth as well. Don’t be discouraged by this, they need time to adjust. As you become more healthy and balanced you too may need time to adjust. This may be uncomfortable at first as it can feel very unfamiliar.

If you stick to your commitment to therapy it will change your life. Be prepared to feel some loss. It is a normal part of change.

Therapy is a journey. Expect it to be like any other journey with roads that go up, down, and twist. There will be some smooth sailing and some rough seas. When you work hard and stick to the course, therapy can get you to your destination.

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Thickening Narrative Therapy Through Existential Psychotherapy

Once upon a time there was now, right now. The past has been written by many perspectives but the future is still blank and right now is the act of writing. Narrative therapy is a form of therapy that uses the narrative or story of our way of looking at […]
Thickening Narrative Therapy Through Existential Psychotherapy

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